Connecting to the API server ============================ Basic auth on localhost:8095 ---------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ contrail-api-cli --os-auth-plugin http \\ --os-username admin \\ --os-password paswword \\ --port 8095 \\ shell .. code-block:: python from contrail_api_cli.client import SessionLoader from contrail_api_cli.resource import Collection from contrail_api_cli.context import Context from contrail_api_cli.schema import DummySchema session = SessionLoader().make(host="localhost", port=8095, os_username="admin", os_password="password", os_cacert=None, os_cert=None, insecure=False, timeout=1) Context().session = session Context().schema = DummySchema() print(len(Collection('virtual-network'))) Keystone auth on API_SERVER:8082 -------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $ contrail-api-cli --os-auth-plugin v2password \\ --os-username admin \\ --os-password paswword \\ --os-tenant-name tenant_name \\ --os-auth-url https://keystone:5000/v2.0/ \\ shell .. note:: All parameters can be set in enviroment variables. For example, --os-auth-plugin looks for $OS_AUTH_PLUGIN. --port and --host correspond to $CONTRAIL_API_(HOST|PORT) Base commands ============= All commands provides a --help option. help ---- List all available commands. man --- .. automodule:: :members: :show-inheritance: ls -- .. automodule:: :members: :show-inheritance: du -- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.du :members: :show-inheritance: cd -- .. autoclass:: :members: :show-inheritance: cat --- .. automodule:: :members: :show-inheritance: tree ---- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.tree :members: :show-inheritance: rm -- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.rm :members: :show-inheritance: edit ---- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.edit :members: :show-inheritance: schema ------ .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.schema :members: :show-inheritance: ln -- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.ln :members: :show-inheritance: relative -------- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.relative :members: :show-inheritance: kv -------- .. automodule:: contrail_api_cli.commands.kv :members: :show-inheritance: Advanced usage ============== pipes ----- Any command can be piped to any program installed on the system inside the cli shell. .. code-block:: bash admin@localhost:/virtual-network> cat 1095e416-b7cd-4c65-b0a3-631e8263a4dd | grep dns "dns_nameservers": [], "dns_server_address": "", admin@localhost:/virtual-network> cat 1095e416-b7cd-4c65-b0a3-631e8263a4dd | jq '.network_ipam_refs[].attr.ipam_subnets[].dns_server_address' "" direct-call ----------- You can call command directly from bash and pipe or redirect output as you wish. .. code-block:: bash $ contrail-api-cli ls /virtual-network virtual-network/1095e416-b7cd-4c65-b0a3-631e8263a4dd virtual-network/49d00de8-4351-446f-b6ee-d16dec3de413 virtual-network/5a9fbd42-a730-42f7-9947-be8a5d808b70 virtual-network/e3148147-164e-4194-8507-a58eefe072bd virtual-network/ba2170ce-741c-4361-ad88-f2d97162faf2 virtual-network/e82ae164-f78a-4766-8ba2-7cb68dacaecb wildcard resolution ------------------- The wildcards * and ? can be used in paths. All matching resources will be resolved. .. warning:: Note that this does filtering on the cli side and not on the API side. .. code-block:: bash admin@localhost:/> ls -l virtual-network/default-domain:admin:* virtual-network/49d00de8-4351-446f-b6ee-d16dec3de413 default-domain:admin:net2 virtual-network/5a9fbd42-a730-42f7-9947-be8a5d808b70 default-domain:admin:net1 loading commands from other namespaces -------------------------------------- Say you have a collection of commands in the ``contrail_api_cli.mycommands`` entrypoint, run: .. code-block:: bash $ contrail_api_cli --ns contrail_api_cli.mycommands shell The namespace ``contrail_api_cli.mycommands`` commands will be loaded as well as the commands of the default ``contrail_api_cli.command`` namespace. python from the shell --------------------- You can directly use contrail-api-cli API in a python console that can be run with the ``python`` command. If ptpython [1]_ or IPython [2]_ are installed they will be used instead of the standard python repl. .. code-block:: python admin@localhost:/> python >>> c = Collection('virtual-network', fetch=True) >>> for vn in c: ... print(vn.uuid) 0287b4d1-3aea-4a82-b1be-be524995d1a8 73fc0e08-b542-483e-86e7-f4a5aad2750f bf91b645-f7aa-4ab3-88cf-dc7a6358c08c a3694461-c4e0-4f54-a6fa-a11ae0472e04 6afc9f77-607f-424c-8188-996c9513467a python script execution ----------------------- The `exec` command can be used to run a python script that is using the contrail_api_cli API. This avoids the need to setup the connection to the API server inside the script since the script will be run in the context of the cli. .. code-block:: bash $ contrail-api-cli exec .. [1] .. [2]